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Why Daniel Weinlein
Custom 3D assets
You are currently creating a 3D model yourself and need support
for modeling, UV mapping, rigging, PBR texturing / shading?
Specific support for your 3D pipeline
You need advice
or individual solutions for
prefabricated assets in your current project?
Library of
3D assets
You want to produce faster
and need production-ready
assets as a download?
Expert advice
For all my 3D assets I offer you expert advice on top.

Where can I buy your assets?Please click here:
We are business customers, can we also buy your assets directly?Yes, just write me an email which assets you want to buy or use the contact form.
Can I use your 3D assets in commercial projects?Yes, as long as they are marked with “Royalty Free License”, assets marked with “Editorial License” are not for commercial use.
I have further questions, how can I contact you?Just use my contact form or e-mail me:
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